
No Seconds Needed, I'm Already Full

Cheese and crackers can never be a complete meal for me.  I need something that fills me up, satisfies my hunger, makes me fill full longer than 5 minutes.  I must say, that's exactly the way I see my need for 'food' at work and in life.  I've been fortunate to find that fullness and not settle for the fast food or the quick sugar fix.  My life is and will continue to be full of sustainable food that keeps me feeling whole and healthy.  

This blog is my way of sharing thoughts, ideas, actions that will hopefully fulfill those pangs of hunger for you and even me.  Since my career has been mostly based in the Information Technology field, a lot of my posts will deal with that (specifically Project Management, Agile, the corporate world, and life in general).

I can't wait to start sharing with you.

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